The melborne-born artist, drummer, and producer G Flip returns to Austin, the grounds of their first ever live performance, to DELIVER. And they always do.

Written by Anita Silva

Photos by Anita Silva

On May 15, G Flip returned to Austin for their “Drummer Tour” to deliver a chilling performance. With her adorned drum set at the center of it all, the Australian indie pop-rock artist brought together Austin’s queer community at the Scoot Inn that night with an intimate performance.

G’s drive for queer representation is a huge part of their music. Some of their most popular tracks, such as “I’ll Be Your Man” and “Gay for Me,” reflect on the gay romantic experience and the complications of love in a hetero-normative society. Nostalgic and energetic, G Flip’s songs bring fun while packing a punch, creating a contrast between their drum-heavy pop sound and their meaningful lyrics. This duality highlights the passion and confusion that accompanies a queer relationship and is at the core of G Flip’s musical storytelling.


This concert felt personal, something like a backyard wedding. From the choice to dress in their usual clothes to the unfeigned stage banter, they delivered a passionate performance on that small wooden stage. Their bandmates, Benji Elling, Michael Belsar, and Fernando Navarro, had a warm yet endearing vibe that mirrored G Flip’s personality, and together they delivered a spirited and intimate performance.


Watching all the happy couples see themselves in G Flip’s music was certainly the most noteworthy part of the show, serving as a heartfelt reminder of the power of representation in media. It was a privilege to experience, as it highlighted the strength of the LGBTQ+ community’s embracement of love and human connection. The tranquility that could be felt in the crowd directly resulted from this sentiment.


The perk of an artist with few albums is they will play all your favorite songs. “Drink Too Much,” “Rough,” “I’ll Be Your Man,” “Gay for Me,” and “The Worst Person Alive” are a few notable favorites of this tour. The queer joy mixed with impeccable artistry made for a truly memorable show, and as G Flip continues to rise, the queer community will be behind her in full support.